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-How’s your love? What changes have you noticed in your life and relationships? -Philippians 2:12-13 offers some great encouragement as we strive to cultivate greater love.

I. Love is Not Easily Angered—This is similar to the first description listed in verse 4, “love is patient.” Love suffers long with others; love bears up under provocation without complaint. Here the author means that love isn’t irritable, touchy, or sensitive to slights.

-Love guards against being upset and angered when someone acts against us. (see 1 Peter 2:19)
-Love bears with annoyances and inconveniences without complaint.
-Love does not lose its temper when provoked.

II. Love Keeps No Record of Wrongs—“Resentment is careful to keep books, which it reads and re-reads, hoping for a chance to get even.”

-Love preaches the good news of the gospel to oneself all day, everyday; remembering that God has removed our sins as far as the east from the west. -Love promises forgiveness to those who sin against us.
-Love has a strong perspective of the Sovereignty of God (consider Joseph)

What happens if we continue to keep records of others wrongs refusing to forgive?

Conclusion—Chrysostom observed that a wrong done against love is like a spark that falls into the sea and is quenched. Peter worded it this way, “Above all, keep loving one another earnestly, since love covers a multitude of sins.”—1 Peter 4:8

Today would you...remember the gospel; repent of your lack of love; restore broken relationships; rejoice in the grace of God.